
YouTube Mobile App Gets New ‘Explore’ Tab via Latest Update

Anyone who has ventured into YouTube's 'Trending' department recently can affirm that the place has turned into an unsightly cesspool that is chock full of clickbait videos. Given YouTube's never-ending obsession with irresolute the way it serves content, things volition but get worse for the Trending tab. For those who don't desire anything to do with the what'south trending in their regions, and even so look for new and exciting content relevant to their interests, YouTube has now rolled out a new 'Explore' tab on its mobile app.

Every bit you can come across in the GIF above, the explore tab will sit betwixt the Home and Subscriptions push button in the YouTube app on Android and iOS. So, only how is Explore different from Trending? Hither'south what Google has to say about it.

  • Easy access to destination pages: Tap the buttons at the top of the Explore tab to discover new videos to watch from our existing destination pages – Music, Gaming, News, Movies & Shows, Fashion & Beauty and Learning. We programme to continue adding more than destination pages over fourth dimension, so let us know what you'd like to see.

  • More prominent Creator & Artist on the Rise department: Every bit you scroll through your Explore feed, y'all'll see "Creator on the Ascent" and "Artist on the Rising" earlier other trending videos. New creators and artists emerge on YouTube every day, so we hope this makes it easier for you to discover their content and connect with them and their communities! Acquire more about Creators & Artists On the Rise.

The Explore tab will allow you wait at creators and artists who are on the rising. The carousel updates itself daily allowing you to go a healthy dose of new creators who could potentially exist the side by side big YouTube sensation. The Trending Page is baked into the Explore department, and nothing much has inverse nearly it.

It is a minor, yet of import QoL change as a lot of users rely on the Trending Page for their daily dose of YouTube. The Explore tab will besides have predefined tags such as gaming, music, entertainment, etc. At the moment, there is no option to create your ain tags, and we hope that YouTube will permit the states do it via a subsequent update.


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